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EHC-03 Corrosion

Size: 127 x 76,2 x 31,75 mm
Weight: 230 g
Thickness range: 1mm-508mm (Steel)
Material Velocity Calibration Range: 0,508 - 18,699 mm/uS
Temperature Gage Operating: -20° C bis 50° C
Battery life: Up to 50 hours (20 hours with backlight on)
Battery type: 2 "AA" Alkaline
Language support: English,French, Spanish, Italian, Czech, German, Chinese, Portuguese, Slovak, Finnish, and Hungarian
Q-Bar: graphic display that confirms measurement stability
Package: IP54 rated custom
Bandwidth: 0,5-20 MHz (-3dB)

Product video

Product description

Danatronics™ is pleased to welcome our EHC-03 to our corrosion thickness gage family. The EHC-03 is designed to accurately and non-destructively measure metal structures subject to corrosion.

The EHC-03 is packaged in our field proven IP54 case used in our popular EHC-09 and UPG-07 series of thickness gages. The EHC-03 represents a quality, ultrasonic thickness gage designed to provide years of unprecedented measurements all at an entry level price.

With the new Q-bar, even the most inexperienced operators can quickly determine if a thickness reading is stable. The EHC-03 offers a wide measurement range, two point calibration and even multiple on-screen languages. The EHC-03 is proudly made in the U.S.A. and has a 2 year warranty.

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